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Cutting Optimization Solution
  "One Dimensional Stock Cutting Optimization Solution"
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One Dimensional Cutting Optimization

One dimensional stock cutting is classic combinatorial optimization problem. It has applications in industries wherever stock is "linear" in nature and various cutting patterns are possible in order to fulfill the need like steel pipes and bars, film rolls, paper and fiber industries etc.

Sample Industrial Problem

Consider the following case of manufacturing steel pipes:

One company manufactures steel pipes of fixed length say 100 feet

Customers' demand is as follows:
  1. 45 pieces of length 97 feet
  2. 36 pieces of length 61 feet
  3. 31 pieces of length 49 feet
  4. 14 pieces of length 21 feet
  5. 35 pieces of length 75 feet
  6. 24 pieces of length 12 feet
  7. 55 pieces of length 10 feet

How many minimum pipes are needed so that this demand is fulfilled?
How to cut the pipes so that wastage (trim loss) is minimized?
There are 640 different cutting patterns for this miniature exercise. For real life problems, there can be zillions of possible cutting patterns. Hence finding optimal cutting patterns for the need cannot be decided easily. In Operation Research there are certain techniques which provide the solution to this problem.

Sample Solution

One possible optimal solution is
Repeat -- Length(Freq), Length(Freq)
10--55(1), 35(1)
19--35(1), 31(2)
12--35(2), 24(1)
10--35(2), 14(2)
 1--45(1), 36(1), 14(1)
Total Pipes Required : 132
Total wastage  12.6%  (w.r.t. single 13200 feet pipe available)
How to read cutting plan:
Read first line as
Cut 1 piece of 55, 1 piece of 35 from 1 pipe (100 feet) and repeat this process 10 times

Comparison with other similar products

Some products show that their trim loss are less than other. The fact may be quite different. For example consider the following picture:

Note that demand of green color piece is 4 but the solution, in fact, has created one extra piece than demand. According to us this is also a wastage because it has not been demanded.

Our Speciality

Our solution has been designed using a hybrid approach of many techniques. Moreover we provide it as "Software as a service (SasS)". Thus, no need to buy and deploy the product on your machine. You can use it online by uploading your stock length and demand and get immediately the optimal cutting plan to save your money. If you want the desktop executable version or complete source code in C++ and/or Java then please contact us.

Salient Features

  • Free unlimited online trials without registration
  • Pay only for what you use - "Complete on-demand solution"
  • Very fast response
  • Desktop executable version available
  • Source Code is also available for customized need

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